Email Marketing & Social Media
Email and social media originated as avenues for reaching a target audience as computer usage increased, but now it is also reaching them through mobile applications.
Email marketing is an effective way to stay top of mind, announce new products, services or events, and ultimately create customer loyalty. Creative Lotus has developed effective email campaigns for businesses in an array of industries. We provide customize design and copy, as well as detailed analytics.
Social media allows you to communicate with your audience, and encourages them to interact directly with your company. Facebook is the most widely used social platform, but there many other avenues depending on your industry, including LinkedIn, You Tube, My Space, and industry specific forums and blogs. The most appealing aspect of social media is that it encourages your clients and fans to market your company on your behalf. Just give people a reason to talk about your products and services, and make it easy for that conversation to take place. Creative Lotus offers social media set-up, management and analytics, as well as content research and copywriting.